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Happy Easter From Haiti!!

Happy Easter from Haiti!!! Jesus is Rising!!!

Praise GOD for sending HIS one and only son for each of us!!! Hope you all had a wonderful Easter celebration with your friends and family. The teens had a great celebration of the empty tomb by going to church and cooking a Haitian/American meal together in which we had American/Haitian fried chicken, Haitian rice and beans and Haitian sauce in which each one of the boys/Beth cooked one part of the meal. Then they had a huge treat of vanilla ice-cream on Easter night.

There has been minimal electricity lately. They went about 8 days straight with only 2-3 hours of electricity each day and the not so fun part is it was when the boys had their break from school. As you know, God always provides in ways we can’t even imagine.

The teens found beads and all of the stuff to make bracelets at the street market and at an American/Haitian store. They are making their sponsors a bracelet and also bracelets for a new campaign for YES! support called 25 for 25 which we are praying that God provides 25 people to donate 25 dollars each month to YES! We will be sending more information out on this in the very near future

The past 3-4 days, the teens have had about 7-8 hours of electricity which has been amazing for them. Since so many people in Haiti where off the last 2 weeks from school and from work for Easter break. The teens continue to go work with street kids on the weekend with another american ministry in Haiti.

Prayer requests:

  • God would provide our needs; spiritually, emotionally and physically.

  • God would continue to provided indescribable protection.

  • God would provide our financial needs.

  • God would continue to help the teens make the transition in their hearts into young adults by giving them a strong motivational desire to stand out as hard working Godly men and women in a culture where this is not the norm for them.

  • God would provide Beth the ideal living situation in his perfect timing.

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