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Love And Support For The Handicap Kids

This baby was breathing pretty fast and no one cared about him.

that little kid was breathing so fast,no ones was care about him

I took these pictures a few days ago. When I went to the hospital to help some of my Americans friends we went there and I saw this poor baby..! Actually I saw many of them that were not really good at all..! But I saw this little one, I cried inside I wish you could be there to see that whoever is reading this message I'm sharing..! When I saw how his breathing was horrible..! He breathed so fast you can't even imagine how he's still a live..! And I was thinking and praying for them and show them love they felt happy the only thing they waited for was love and some food, they touched my heart so much and asked myself why didn't I saw them before, but I think it was God plans for me to see now maybe I wasn't ready for it yet..! And I said also, how could I help those kids abandoning without family and the bad things was how I saw the hospital functioned it was so hot inside they had bought some fans and used for themselves not for the kids that made really mad to see how hot it is that the kids was sweating..! God lay on my heart that I have to do whatever I can to help all the kids handicap or not..! Most of the Haitian really don't like those handicapped kids and that really makes my heart so sad and frustrated. I don't even know why..! Maybe they think that the handicapped does not make a part of the the society..! But for me what I think we should put the handicapped first in our society by our help..! So now I pray how I can start to help these kids in our country and will wait to see what God shows me.

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