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Our Feeding Program Children and their families need your help!

We wanted to share the words of two of our YES! employees as they share their heart regarding the feeding program children.

On Good Friday early evening, one of the gangs forcefully took over the area of one of our feeding programs. The feeding program students and their families fled with only the clothes on their backs.

Hello everyone, I hope you are well. It is with great trepidation that I am writing this letter, the feeding program children's misery has become a hell for them. It really hurts me for the situation of our feeding program children. I have a child from the feeding program call me last week who talks with tears in his eyes. He tells me that he cannot eat, they have no clothes to wear, and they lose hope. I am writing to ask for more help because I would like you to pray about helping to save these children. Things in Haiti are so hard. It is breaking my heart. Thanks in advance for your help. God bless you. I love you very much. Thank you for your consideration. Love, Dawens

Hello everyone, Hope you guys doing good. Today, I want to talk to you about something that very important, our feeding program kids! As you know the reason, they ran from their house very last minute on Good Friday. In the situation they’re in right now is very worse than ever and very dangerous. As they can’t go back to their area or houses, many don’t have anywhere else to go beside in the street or parks, some of them get wet in the rain. The living conditions that they are in is heartbreaking. The specific reason I send this letter is because I want to ask you for your prayers and ask you to consider giving more support to YES! so we can help them. Mr. P, Dawens, and I analyzed the situation, and we see the need is so great and we currently can’t support all of them with our current budget. For example, if we try to give them each 500 hundred gourdes (3.08USD) it will not be enough for them to buy food for one day. We are working hard to help each family find a solution, but we need your guy’s support and your prayers. It is very important for them. We know God will help them some way. Thank you for your consideration. Love, Judeson

Please join YES! in praying and fasting on Thursdays for a breakthrough for Haiti. And THANK YOU to those that have already given this past week. You are blessings.

Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts.

Love, YES!


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